अभी तक जोड़ों व घुटनो के दर्द को बढ़ती उम्र का संकेत माना जाता था , लेकिन आज की जीवनशैली और बहुत अधिक व्यस्त जीवन में यह कम उम्र क लोगो में भी देखने को मिल रहा है। इस लेख में हम चर्चा करेंगे कि क्या-क्या कारण है जो कम उम्र में जोड़ो के दर्द की समस्या उत्पन्न करते है(what is joints pain) और कुछ सरल उपाय अपना कर कैसे आप इनसे दूर रह सकते है।
इससे पहले हम जानेगे कि 20 से 25 के उम्र के लोगो में जोड़ो के दर्द की शुरुआत क्यों और कहाँ से होती है ?
आधुनिक जीवनशैली- आज 20 से 25 के उम्र के लोग बहुत ज्यादा शारीरिक गतिविधि में संलग्न रहते है। वो सुबह से शाम तक कई तरह कि शारीरिक गतिविधि करते है जिससे उनके शरीर में कई तरह के दर्द उत्पन्न होते रहते है।
एक ही जगह पर देर तक बैठना- आज कल कि युवा पीढ़ी अपने काम और अन्य जरूरी कार्यो के चलते एक ही जगह पर घंटो पे बैठ कर काम करती है जिससे शरीर के कई हिस्सों पे अनचाहा दबाव पड़ता है जो कि शारीरिक दर्द कि एक मुख्य वजह है।
मोटापा- अगर आप किसी भी तरह से शरीर के भार से परेशान है या आप मोटापे की समस्या से झूज रहे है तो आपको जोड़ो से सम्बंधित परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है , क्योकि यदि आपके शरीर का भार ज्यादा है तो ये आपके जोड़ो पे दबाव डालते है जिससे घुटनो व जोड़ो क दर्द की समस्या उत्पन्न होने लगती है।
पर्याप्त नींद न लेना- आज कल लोगो की आदत है की वो देर रात तक जागते है और अपने काम के चलते सुबह जल्दी उठ जाते है जिससे उनकी नींद पूरी नहीं हो पाती है जो अन्तःतः मांशपेशियों व जोड़ो क दर्द क रूप में उभर के आते है।
कम पानी पीना- आज कल की युवा पीढ़ी अपनी भाग-दौड़ भरी जिंदगी के कारण प्रयाप्त मात्रा में पानी नहीं पी पाते, जो शरीर के सही से काम करने के लिए जरूरी है।
जोड़ो और बदन के दर्द के क्या कारण हो सकते है ?
वैसे तो जोड़ो और बदन का दर्द अक्सर की अधिक उम्र के लोगो में देखने को मिलता है पर आज की आधुनिक और व्यस्त जीवनशैली के चलते यह अब कम उम्र के लोगो में भी देखने को मिल रहा है। कम उम्र के लोगो में जोड़ो और बदन के दर्द होने के कई कारण हो सकते है जैसे-
बैठने की स्थिति- लोग अक्सर ही अपने बैठने की स्थिति की ओर ज्यादा ध्यान नहीं देते है जो की उनकी सबसे बड़ी गलती है। लोग अक्सर ही अपने काम के चलते या कुछ भी जरूरी काम करते समय अपनी बैठने की स्थिति की ओर बिलकुल भी ध्यान नहीं देते है। लोग एक ही जगह पे घंटो तक बिना हिले बैठे रहते है, आज कल के नौजवान बच्चे अक्सर ही मोबाइल में गेम खलने के चक्कर में एक ही पोजीशन में घंटो गेम खेलते है जो की उनके शरीर में अनावश्यक दबाव डालते है जो की उनके शरीर और जोड़ो के दर्द का कारण बनता है।
वजन बढ़ना- आज कल की पीढ़ी के खान पान की बात करे तो अब इसमें किसी भी प्रकार का पोषण नहीं रह गया है। लोग आज कल हर वक़्त तला भुना, होटल का खाना, बहुत अधिक मीठे का सेवन और कई तरह के अनावश्यक चीज़ो का सेवन करते रहते है जिनमे किसी भी प्रकार का पोषण नहीं होता जिससे शरीर की आवशयक जरूरते पूरी नहीं हो पाती है जो शरीर क विभिन्न हिस्सों तथा जोड़ो के दर्द के रूप में सामने आता है।
धूम्रपान- यदि कोई व्यक्ति किसी भी तरह का धूम्रपान करता है या किसी भी तरह का नशा करता है तो उससे उसके शरीर की कार्य क्षमता और उसके कार्यप्रणाली पे बहुत बुरा असर पड़ता है। इसके अलावा धूम्रपान से शरीर के अंदर कई तरह के कैंसर से जुड़े सेल्स बनने लगते है जो की उसके शरीर में कई तरह के दर्द व परेशानियों का कारण बन जाती है।
कंधे पर बोझ- यदि कोई व्यक्ति लगातर अपने कंधे पे घंटों तक लगातार किसी भी तरह का बोझ ( जैसे बैग को लटकाये रहना, कंधे पे बोझ लेकर चलना ) लेकर चलता है तो ये कंधे की स्थिति पे असर डालती है और वह रक्त के प्रवाह को कम कर देती है। अगर ज्यादा समय तक इसी स्थिति का पालन किया गया तो ये भविष्य में गंभीर कंधे से जुडी दिक्कते पैदा कर सकता है।
व्यायाम की कमी- आज कल के नौजवानो में देखा गया है उनके अंदर व्यायाम या शारीरिक गतिविधि की काफी कमी देखी गयी है। वो रात में देर तक जागते है और सुबह देर से उठते है जिससे उनके पास न तो सुबह की खुली व ताज़ी हवा में सांस लेने का मौका मिलता है न ही वो अपने शरीर पर किसी भी तरह का ध्यान दे पाते है जो कि उनके शरीर में विभिन्न हिस्सों में दर्द का कारण बनते है।
इसके अलावा कुछ और भी कारण है जो आपके शरीर व जोड़ो में दर्द पैदा कर सकते है जैसे –
- यदि आप अक्सर ही दरवाजा खोलते समय अपने हाथो कि बजाय अपनी उंगलुयों का प्रयोग करते है तो ऐसा लगातार करते रहने से ये आपके हाथो की मांशपेशियों पे अनावश्यक दबाव डालते है जो भविष्य में आपको हाथो से जुडी दिक्कतें दे सकता है।
- यदि आप जमीन पे कोई गिरी हुई चीज़ या कोई झुकने से जुड़ा काम करने के लिए पूरी तरह जमीन पे बैठकर वह कार्य करने के बजाय थोड़ा झुककर उसे करते है तो इससे आपकी पीठ पर दबाव डालते है जो आपकी पीठ से जुडी समस्यायें पैदा कर सकता है।
- आज कल के जीवन को देखते हुए हम यह तो कह सकते है कि तकनीक ने आधुनिक जीवन को सरल बना दिया है पर इसके अपने ही नुकसान है। यदि आप अपना कोई भी काम कुर्सी पे घंटो तक बिना कोई हरकत किये करते रहते है तो यह आपके शरीर के कई हिस्सों पर असर डालता है।
- क्योंकि इंसानो का शरीर कही पर भी सिर्फ बैठने के लिए नहीं बना है तो इसलिए इसमें हरकत करते रहना जरूरी है जो कि शरीर के सभी हिस्सों में पर्याप्त रक्त संचार के लिए जरूरी है और यदि हम ऐसा नहीं करते है तो यह शरीर से जुडी कई दिक्कतों के माध्यम से बाहर आता है।
- जैसा कि हमने बताया कि इंसानो का शरीर सिर्फ बैठने के लिए नहीं बना है तो इसलिए इसमें हरकत करते रहना जरूरी है। यदि आप अपने दिनचर्या में कोई भी शारीरिक कार्य नहीं करते है और सिर्फ बैठकर इधर उधर का भोजन करते रहते है तो इससे भी शरीर व जोड़ो में दर्द उत्पन्न होने लगता है।
Calcium और vitamin D का सेवन
कैल्शियम एक प्रकार का मिनिरल है जो बहुत से चीज़ो के अंदर पाया जाता है। मानव शरीर में सबसे ज्यादा कैल्शियम हड्डियों और दांतो में पाया जाता है। आज लोगो के बीच ये भ्रान्ति है कि कैल्शियम सिर्फ हड्डियों और दांतों के स्वास्थय के लिए ही जरूरी है, लेकिन ये पूरी तरह से सही नहीं है। कैल्शियम का प्रयोग शरीर के बहुत से अंदरूनी अंगो के उचित कार्यान्वन के लिए आवश्यक है।
कैल्शियम का प्रयोग मांशपेशियों के सही से कार्य करने, नसों कि समसस्या को दूर करने, ब्लड क्लॉट को बनने से रोकने, और संपूर्ण शारीरिक गतिविधि को सुचारु रूप से चलाने के लिए भी बेहद जरूरी है।
वही विटामिन डी एक प्रकार का विटामिन है जो कि एक ऑयल सॉल्यूबल विटामिन की श्रेणी में आता है जिसका अर्थ है की यह पानी में घुलनशील नहीं है। आप यदि केवल कैल्शियम का सेवन ही कर रहे है तो यह आपके शरीर में फायदे से ज्यादा नुकसान भी पंहुचा सकता है
क्योकि कैल्शियम शरीर के द्वारा अवशोषित नहीं किया जा सकता है। कैल्शियम का अवशोषण शरीर में तभी होगा जब आप उसके अनुपात में विटामिन डी भी लेंगे। विटामिन डी कैल्शियम के अवशोषण में सहायक है। विटामिन डी का प्रमुख स्रोत सूरज की रोशनी है। इसके अलावा कुछ फूड्स जैसे अंडे की जर्दी, फैटी फिश, फोर्टिफाई मिल्क में भी ये मौजूद होता है। यदि शरीर में विटामिन डी की कमी हो जाती है तो शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता कम हो जाती है।
कैल्शियम और विटामिन डी कमी है… खाये ये फूड्स
आज कई तरह के खाद्य पदार्थ है जिनमे कैल्शियम पाया जाता है जैसे अनाज, दालें, सोयाबीन, तिल, हरी सब्जियां, रागी, चीज, टमाटर, बादाम , दूध व उससे बने खाद्य पदार्थ जैसे दही, पनीर, मट्ठा, संतरा, कीवी, आम, अनानास, आंवला, ब्रोकोली, अखरोट, पिस्ता, तरबूज के बीज, बादाम, बाजरा, गेहूं, रागी आदि कैल्शियम रिच फूड्स होते है।
विटामिन डी की कमी को दूर करने के लिए आप पर्याप्त मात्रा में सूरज की रौशनी ले, अंडो का सेवन करे, मछली का सेवन करे तथा पनीर का सेवन भी कर सकते है।
जोड़ो व घुटनो के दर्द के लक्षण
- चलते समय ,बैठते समय, कोई भी शारीरिक कार्य करते समय जोड़ो में दर्द होना
- जोड़ों में सूजन या उनका लाल हो जाना
- चलते समय जोड़ो का निष्क्रिय हो जाना
- जोड़ो में कड़ापन रहना
- घुटनो में टक्क-टक्क की आवाज़ आना
- शरीर में अकड़न रहना
- घुटनो व जोड़ो में दर्द बने रहना
जोड़ो में दर्द होने के अन्य कारण
- रूमेटाइड अर्थराइटिस
- ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस
- घुटने का अर्थराइटिस
- जोड़ों का दर्द
- घुटने की चोट
- मांसपेशियों में बदलाव
- ऑस्टियोमायइलिटिस
- झटका लगना अथवा मोच
- घिसा हुआ लिगमेंट
- घिसा हुआ कार्टिलेज
- पानी की कमी
- बैठने का गलत तरीका
- फास्ट फूड का सेवन
- ट्रेडमील का अत्यधिक उपयोग करना
- नींद की कमी
- मोटापा
- फ्रेक्चर
- गाउट
क्या जोड़ो के दर्द को हमेशा के लिए ठीक किया जा सकता है?
जैसे जैसे मनुष्य का जीवन आगे बढ़ता है और उसकी उम्र बढ़ने लगती है तो वह कई तरह समस्याओं से ग्रसित होने लगता है। आज हर 5 में 2 व्यक्ति शरीर की किसी न किसी समस्या से जरूर जूझ रहा है। इसके पीछे कही न कही हमारा आधुनिक जीवन या खान पान जिम्मेदार है।
हम सब न तो आज समय पर सोते है न ही समय पर उठते है न ही हम समय पर भोजन करते है और न ही उचित मात्रा में पोषण वाली चीज़े लेते है। हम सब घंटो तक एक जगह पर बैठे रहते है और न ही कोई अधिक शारीरिक गतिविधि करते है।
इन सभी का असर कही न कही हमारे शरीर पर पड़ता है जैसे कंधे का दर्द, कमर का दर्द, घुटनो का दर्द, जोड़ो का दर्द, मांशपेशियों का दर्द और भी कई तरह के शारीरिक दर्द हमारी आधुनिक जीवनशैली का ही परिणाम है।
अब एक मुख्य सवाल यह उठता है की क्या जोड़ो व शरीर के दर्द को हमेशा के लिए खत्म किया जा सकता है। यदि हम कुछ आसान व सरल उपायों को अपने जीवन में अपना ले तो हम इससे निजात पा सकते है।
इन उपायों को अपनाकर आप जोड़ो व घुटनो के दर्द से निजात पा सकते है
वजन को नियंत्रण में रखना- यदि आप अपने वजन को एक सीमा तक नियंत्रण में रखते है और उसको बढ़ने से रोकते है तो यह आपकी जोड़ो से जुडी समस्या को काफी हद्द तक निजां पा सकते है।
यदि आपका वजन बढ़ने लगता है तो यह शरीर के बाकी अंगो पे दबाव डालती है जिससे उन अंगो की कार्यक्षमता पे असर डालती है जिसके चलते आपको जोड़ो से जुडी समस्या उत्पन्न होने लगती है।
सही आसान में बैठना- हम सब आज अपने काम के चलते एक ही जगह पे घंटो तक बिना हिले बैठे रहते है वो भी अपनी रीढ़ को बिना सीधे किये जिसका असर कमर व अन्य हिस्सों के दर्द पे रूप में बाहर आता है। अगर हम हमेशा अपने पोस्चर का ध्यान रखते है और सही स्थिति में बैठते है तो हम जोड़ो व अन्य शारीरिक दर्द से छुटकारा पा सकते है।
गतिशील रहना – मानव शरीर की संरचना ऐसी है कि वो कही पर भी एक ही जगह और एक ही स्थिति में ज्यादा देर तक नहीं बैठ व रह सकता है। मानव शरीर कि कुशल कार्यप्रणाली के लिए उसका गतिशील बने रहना बहुत आवश्यक है। इसलिए हमें कही भी एक जगह पैर ज्यादा देर तक एक ही स्थिति में नहीं बैठे रहना चाहिए।
व्यायाम करना- हमें अपनी दैनिक दिनचर्या में कोई न कोई व्ययाम जरूर करना चाहिए क्योकि शरीर के सभी अंगो में सही से रक्त प्रवाह के लये उनका गतिशील होना जरूरी है।
बनाये जंक फ़ूड से दूरी- बाहर का खाना , फ़ास्ट फ़ूड और जंक फ़ूड में किसी भी प्रकार का पोषण नहीं होता है और जब हम इनका लगातार सेवन करते रहते है तो ये हमारे शरीर में अनावश्यक फैट का जमाव करने लगते है जो शरीर में कई तरह कि समस्या पैदा करते है।
जोड़ो की सुरक्षा- यदि हमें अपने जोड़ो को स्वस्थ्य रखना है तो हमें हमें उसकी सुरक्षा करनी चाहिए। हमें वो सभी कार्य करने चाहिए जिससे हमारे जोड़ो पे बिलकुल भी असर या दबाव न पड़े, साथ ही यह भी ध्यान रखना होगा कि हम अपने जोड़ो को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए समय समय पर सप्लीमेंट्स भी लेने होंगे जिससे जोड़ो और मांसपेशियों पर कोई असर न पड़े।
जैसे जैसे इंसान की उम्र बढ़ती है वैसे वैसे उसके शरीर की कार्यक्षमता और सहनशक्ति कमज़ोर होती जाती है। जिससे कई बार शरीर के कई अंगो में दर्द भी होने लगता है जो की बहुत ही सामान्य सी बात है। बढ़ती उम्र के साथ कमर में दर्द होना , जोड़ा में दर्द , कंधे व कमर के दर्द बहुत की आम बात है क्योकि जैसे जैसे उम्र बढ़ती है वैसे वैसे शरीर के कई अंग पुराने होने लगते है और उनकी क्षमता पहले जैसी नहीं रह जाती। इन सभी चीज़ो को ठीक तो नहीं किया जा सकता पर कुछ उपायों को अपनाकर इसकी तीव्रता को कम का जरूर किया जा सकता है।
लेकिन आज कल के कम उम्र के युवाओ और working class population में शरीर के विभिन्न अंगो में दर्द देखने को मिल रहा है। कई बार तो ये दर्द अपने आप चले जाते है पर अगर ये समय के साथ बढ़ते रहे तो यह शरीर के लिए एक चिंता का कारण भी बन सकते है।
तो आज के इस लेख में हम बात करेंगे के शरीर के अलग अलग हिस्सों में दर्द क्यों होता है और क्या कुछ सामान्य उपाय अपनाकर आप इससे बच सकते है।
- बहुत देर तक बैठना- दोस्तों जो कमर दर्द या जोड़ो के दर्द का सबसे एहम कारण है वो है एक ही जगह पे बहुत देर तक बैठे रहना। आज कल युवा पीढ़ी अपने काम काज के चलते बहुत देर तक एक ही जगह पे बैठी रहती है जिससे उनके शरीर के सभी अंगो में रक्त का सहीं से प्रवाह नहीं हो पता है और उससे शरीर में कई हिस्सों में दर्द उत्पन्न होने लगता है। इसीलिए हमें अपने काम करने के दौरान कुर्सी से हर आधे या एक घंटे पे एक बार जरूर उठना चाहिए जिससे रक्त का प्रवाह सही से हो सके।
- कैल्शियम की कमी- जोड़ो व शरीर के अलग अलग हिस्सों में दर्द का एक मुख्य कारण आपके शरीर की कैल्शियम की कमी हो सकता है। चूँकि हमारा शरीर कैल्शियम का निर्माण नहीं कर सकता है इसलिए इसकी कमी को हमें बाहरी तत्वों से पूरा करना पड़ता है। यदि आपके शरीर में कैल्शियम की बहुत जायदा कमी हो जाती है तो आपको osteoporosis जैसी बीमारी का भी सामना करना पड़ सकता है जिसमे हड्डी के अंदर सूक्ष्म छिद्र हो जाते है तो आपकी हड्डी को बहुत ही कमज़ोर कर देती है।
- कम शारीरिक गतिविधि- मानव शरीर की संरचना कुछ ऐसी है की वह एक ही जगह पे बैठने के लिए नहीं बनी है इसलिए उसमे कुछ न कुछ हलचल होती रहनी चाहिए। यदि आप कोई भी शारीरिक गतिविध नहीं करते है तो बहुत ज्यादा संभावना है की आप शरीर के किसी न किसी दर्द से जरूर गुज़र रहे होंगे।
- मोटापा- यदि आपके शरीर का भार आपकी शरीर की लम्बाई की तुलना में बहुत ज्यादा है तो इससे आपकी रीढ़ की हड्डी पे अनावशयक भार पड़ता है जिससे कमर दर्द , कंधे का दर्द , जोड़ो के दर्द की समस्या हो जाती है।
- पुरानी चोट के दर्द- कई बार हड्डी की पुरानी चोट के दर्द के कारण भी शरीर में दर्द उत्पन्न होना एक आम बात है।
- Wrong posture में बैठना– कई बार जाने अनजाने हम काम के दौरान एक ही पोजीशन में बहुत देर तक बैठे रहते है जिससे हड्डियों में बेवजह का दबाव पड़ता है जिससे शरीर के कई हिस्सों में दर्द होने लगता है।
- ज्यादा भार उठाना- आज कल लोग अपने वजन को का करने के लिए कई तरह की भारी कसरत करते है जिससे उनकी रीढ़ पे बहुत ज्यादा दबाव पड़ता है। यदि लम्बे समय तक ऐसी कसरत की जाए तो स्लिप डिस्क की समस्या भी देखे को मिल सकती है।
- तनाव में रहना- यदि आप बहुत ज्यादा तनावपूर्ण मौहोल में रहते है तो इससे भी आपको कई तरह के शारीरिक दर्द हो सकते है क्योकि अधिक तनाव आपके शरीर के इम्यून सिस्टम को कमज़ोर करता है जिससे शरीर में दर्द व सूजन की शिकायत भी होने लगती है।
- पानी की कमी- पानी आपके शरीर के सामान्य और स्वस्थ कामकाज के लिए एक आवश्यक घटक है। इसके बिना, आपका शरीर सांस लेने और पाचन सहित अपनी कई महत्वपूर्ण प्रक्रियाओं को ठीक से नहीं कर सकता। जब आप dehydrated हो जाते हैं और ये प्रक्रियाएं अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं करती हैं, तो आप परिणामस्वरूप शारीरिक दर्द महसूस कर सकते हैं।
- नींद की कमी- पर्याप्त नींद न लेने से आपके संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य पर असर पड़ सकता है। आपको हर रात कम से कम 6 से 8 घंटे की नींद की आवश्यकता होती है। आपके शरीर के ऊतकों और कोशिकाओं को स्वस्थ रहने के लिए उचित नींद की आवश्यकता होती है, और आपके मस्तिष्क को तरोताजा और सतर्क रहने के लिए इसकी आवश्यकता होती है। इसके बिना, आपके शरीर के पास आवश्यक ऊर्जा और प्रक्रियाओं को आराम करने और भरने का समय नहीं होगा। इससे दर्द हो सकता है।
- एनीमिया- एनीमिया तब होता है जब आपके शरीर में पर्याप्त रूप से काम करने वाली लाल रक्त कोशिकाएं नहीं होती हैं, इसलिए आपके शरीर के ऊतकों को पर्याप्त ऑक्सीजन नहीं मिल पाती है। एनीमिया के साथ, आपके शरीर के कई हिस्सों में थकान महसूस हो सकती है क्योंकि उन्हें स्वस्थ रहने या ठीक से काम करने के लिए पर्याप्त ऑक्सीजन नहीं मिलती है।
- गठिया रोग- हमारे शरीर में जोड़ों में एक नर्म और लचीला tissue पाया जाता है जिसे कार्टिलेज कहा जाता है। जब हम चलते हैं तो जोड़ों पर दबाव पड़ता है। ऐसे में कार्टिलेज pressure और shock को absorb कर हमारे जोड़ों की सुरक्षा करता है। जब व्यक्ति को गठिया रोग जैसी बीमारी होती है, तो ऐसे समय में कार्टिलेज की मात्रा में कमी हो जाती है जिस वजह से एक हड्डी दूसरी हड्डी से रगड़ती है और कुछ घुटनो व जोड़ो से जुडी परेशानियां उत्पन्न हो जाती हैं।
हमने शरीर में होने वाले कई तरह के दर्द और उनके पीछे होने वाले कारणों की बात कर ली है अब बात करते है की कैसे कुछ सरल उपायों को अपनाकर आप अपने शरीर में होने वाले दर्द से छुटकारा पा सकते है।
- दवाएं- यदि आप शरीर के दर्द से काफी ज्यादा परेशान और आपको इससे आराम नहीं मिल रहा है तो आप को अपने डॉक्टर से एक बार जरूर सलाह लेनी चाहिए और जैसी दवा या तेल को सुझाव दिया गया हो उसका सेवन करना चाहिए।
- पर्याप्त आराम- बहुत अधिक शारीरिक गतिविधि करने के कारण शरीर में दर्द उत्पन्न होना एक आम बात है। हर दर्द जरूरी नहीं की आपको भविष्य में नुक्सान ही पहुचाये। कई बार अधिक शारीरिक गतिविधि के कारण होने वाले दर्द को सिर्फ पर्याप्प्त आराम करके ही ठीक किया जा सकता है।
- फिजियोथेरेपी- मांसपेशियों में दर्द के लिए फिजियोथेरेपी एक प्रभावी उपचार हो सकता है। रोगी की बेचैनी का कारण निर्धारित करने के बाद, एक फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट गले की मांसपेशियों के इलाज के लिए निम्नलिखित विधियों का उपयोग कर सकता है:
- अल्ट्रासाउंड – फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट द्वारा उपयोग किया जाने वाला अल्ट्रासाउंड सॉफ्ट टिश्यू को गर्म करता है। जो उपचार प्रक्रिया में मदद करने के लिए किया जाता है। अल्ट्रासाउंड के साथ बढ़ते ऊतक तापमान का उपयोग दर्द को कम करने में मदद के लिए भी किया जाता है।
- डीप टिश्यू मसाज – कई फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट मांसपेशियों में दर्द से निपटने वाले रोगियों के लिए मसाज थेरेपी प्रदान करते हैं या सलाह देते हैं। मालिश करने से न केवल उस समय अच्छा महसूस होता है, बल्कि यह उस सूजन को भी कम करता है जिससे मांसपेशियां कोमल हो जाती हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, यह मांसपेशियों के तनाव को दूर करता है और रक्त प्रवाह में सुधार करता है, जो उपचार को बढ़ावा देता है।
- हीट व कोल्ड थेरेपी – गर्मी और ठंडक के प्रयोग से मांसपेशियों में होने वाले दर्द को काफी हद तक कम किया जा सकता है। हीट थेरेपी रक्त प्रवाह को बढ़ाती है और दर्द वाले क्षेत्र में अधिक ऑक्सीजन और पोषक तत्व लाती है, जबकि शीत चिकित्सा परिसंचरण धीमा कर देती है, सूजन और दर्द को कम करने में मदद करती है।
We all want a happy life for ourselves. We go to a good school; learn a lot of knowledge from there. After that, we go to college and complete our masters and bachelors and then we do a good job according to our skills and educational basis… what after then? We continue that schedule in our life on a daily basis.
But is this something you really want in your life? Then you suddenly explore the concept of travelling. Travel is something which everyone needs in their lives, either what is the purpose of all your hard work and earning so much money !!
If you are in a young age group you should have no problem travelling or roaming anywhere in the world. But if your age is more than 50 then there are some physical and mental limitations that occur.
The travel types
There are many types of travel and its goal like:
- If you want some peace in your life then you can go somewhere where you don’t have any city noise or disturbance in surroundings.
- If you want to enjoy nature and its beauty then you should go somewhere where there is a lot of greenery and natural beauty, animals and biodiversity.
- If you are so energetic and full of life and in your youth then you should go somewhere where you have to do a lot of physical activities, running, climbing, trekking or walking like you can go to some mountain city.
- If you want to enjoy the beauty of sea, ocean and beaches then you should definitely check out some sea and lake cities.
What happens when you travel?
Any physical activities make some changes in our body such as:
- When you walk too much, climb on a mountain, do trekking or run while you’re travelling then you get a feeling of tiredness, exhaustion and fatigue.
- Travelling to your favourite place makes your mood good and gives you enough kick to make dopamine & excess amounts of dopamine makes you excited, depressed, chills and sad also.
- When you have to travel a very long distance then you have to spend so much time in the bus, car or train. Continuing sitting in the bus, train or car can make you feel low, give you a feeling of dizziness and give you a headache.
- When you want to go to some seaside or some beach area then you enjoy it a lot, but for a long period of time staying in water can make your skin dry, give you burns or some lung irritation.
So you travelled all the places and one thing you’d have noticed that there is one thing common while you travel all the places and that thing is PAIN.
Everywhere you go, wherever you go whatever you do you always have that painful feeling at the end of your day. Even if it was going to a mountain for a trekking or going to beaches to swim, every task you do you spend a lot of energy on and you get the feeling of pain.
The bones likewise want time to reply to new stress. When bones see multiplied quantities of stress, such as an amplification in going for walks when getting ready for a marathon, they reply with the aid of inserting greater bone in the areas of the bone that are seeing extra stress. This response is known as redesigning and strengthens the bone.
However, if the place of bone sees stress too fast, the bone will truly start to fail. The first signal of this stress response is ache alongside the bone, which happens with activity. As the state of affairs worsens, a stress fracture can develop. This may also result in a limp and even ache at night. If untreated the bone can definitely break, which can be an extreme injury.
After taking part in some type of strenuous bodily activity, especially something new to your body, it is frequent to journey to muscle soreness.
Should you stop travelling?
No!! We didn’t say that after reading this article you should unpack your backpack and sit at your home quietly. No one can do that or it also not be needed. You can not carry a doctor with you while travelling but you can very easily carry an oil which gives you relief from all types of body pain.
marcogesic oil is something that all you need for your travel partner. marcogesic oil is an allopathic medication containing peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and linseed oil alongside with different components that work as an ache reliever, irritation reducer & additionally keep pores and skin healthy. marcogesic oil is an innovation in ache management. It offers a magic contact to relieve pain.
What is body pain?
Body pain is a common problem that can happen to any person. In some cases, severe pain requires treatment. Body pain can be sudden or mild in some people. If signs or symptoms appear, treatment should be done. Due to deficiency of vitamins, weakness, fatigue and body pain start in the body.
The problem of body pain is due to excess weight in some people, so the weight should be balanced. In today’s article, you have been told about the types, symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention and complications of body pain.
Types of body pain
There are two types of body pain:
Acute pain – acute pain is also called sudden pain. Such pain is caused by some disease or other event. For example, say surgery and injury. After having acute pain, it gradually subsides. However, it can be cured after medical treatment. Sudden pain is sometimes severe or mild that can last for a few days or even a few months. If a person has stopped his treatment in the middle, then the pain may recur.
Chronic body pain – Chronic pain persists over time when it occurs for no apparent reason. There are some pains which are painful even after the disease is cured. Chronic pain can persist for several weeks or even years. The patient remains in the body due to weakness. In some people, the problem of insomnia starts arising.
Causes of body pain
There can be many reasons for body pain.
- Like being under stress.
- Vitamin D deficiency.
- Having a gout problem.
- Feeling tired
- Having depression
- Skin rashes.
- to have lupus
- Thyroid problem.
- Infection or influenza.
- inactivity.
- Blood defect.
What are risk factors behind body pain
- lifting excessive weight
- Doing a lot of stretching exercises.
- Weakness in the spine which starts due to ageing.
- Lifting heavy weights can cause bone spurs and increase the risk of pain.
- Risk of body pain due to wrong position.
- Bad physical condition.
Symptoms of body pain
According to experts, there can be many types of symptoms of body pain;
- Joint aches and pains, or aches throughout the body.
- morning stiffness.
- Numbness and tingling in the upper or lower limbs.
- Muscle aches and widespread muscle pain.
- Stiffness and weakness.
- Itching with or without fever.
- Tenderness and swelling.
- Reduced speed limit.
- Muscle twitching or burning.
- Difficulty falling asleep or falling asleep (insomnia)
- fatigue.
- headache.
Body pain treatment
Body pain is treated in the following ways:
- Painkillers are used to relieve body pain.
- Injections are given to reduce body pain.
- Doing yoga reduces pain.
- In many cases, body pain can be reduced by massaging.
- Pain can be cured by acupuncture.
- Corticosteroids are injected to reduce the pain of a traumatic injury or acute injury, arthritis. Such as sports injury or joint pain and chronic pain.
- Narcotic medication is used for extremely severe pain. In addition, injections are given to block the nerve. However, it is used to reduce the sensation of pain.
Although there are many medication treatments and methods available for body pain, everyone needs treatment which is feasible for them, which can be afforded by everyone, and also it does not include any side effects. Have you heard of this description? The answer must be no.
marcogesic oil is the answer for all these questions. marcogesic oil is an allopathic oil which contains some really good natural ingredients such as Peppermint oil, Eucalyptus oil and linseed oil which prevents you from various body pains such as joints pain, back pain, sprain and strain, spondylitis, frozen shoulder and many other pain.
Prevention of Body pain
To reduce body pain, a person should make some changes in his diet and keep his weight balanced. Due to balanced weight, exercising daily makes the body flexible. The following preventive methods can be adopted to remove body pain.
- Use your feet to lift heavier weights.
- Make proper posture for sitting and standing.
- Heavy items should be lifted by keeping them close to your body and to change direction, feet should be used instead of waist.
- To keep the body balanced, it is necessary to lose weight. Therefore, include fibre rich things in the diet.
- Use some ointment or oil which has natural properties like marcogesic oil.
Benefits of marcogesic oil:
Endowed with the goodness of peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil & linseed oil works wonderfully in –
· muscular pain treatment,
· lower back pain treatment
· Sprain and strain, use this oil.
· It is also useful in frozen shoulder,
· Spondylitis, rheumatic arthritis, and inflammatory joint diseases.
Complications of body pain
Pain in the body can be due to any health related issue. They should be treated at the right time.
- For example, immunity.
- heart disease.
- endocrine.
- Muscles and bones.
- Neurologic.
The waist is one of the main parts of the body. It helps you to walk, run, get up, sit, sleep or carry out many other activities of daily life with ease.
When there is back pain due to any reason, then many difficulties have to be faced in doing those activities. A few years ago today, back pain or back pain was seen only in old people.
Due to inactive lifestyle, work culture, job demand and lack of nutrition, today this problem is being seen more in the youth which includes both boys and girls.
Back pain Kamar Ke Nichle Hisse Me Dard Hona is a common problem. Experts say that if the cause of back pain is not a serious disease, then it can be easily overcome with the help of some special home remedies.
Some key points related to back pain
- The incidence of low back pain is difficult to predict, as the incidence of first episodes of back pain is higher in early adulthood and symptoms tend to recur over time.
- As the world’s population is increasing, older people are more likely to experience back pain or lower back pain due to disturbances in the intervertebral discs.
- Back pain (low back pain) is the leading cause of activity limitation and work absence worldwide, placing a high economic burden on individuals, families, communities, industry and governments.
- Several studies have been conducted in Europe to evaluate the social and economic impact of low back pain.
- Lack of vitamin D can also cause back pain.
What is Back Pain
Back bone pain or lower back pain is a very common health problem across the world. It is the main cause of disability that severely affects performance and general well-being at work.
Lower back pain can be acute, subtle or chronic. However, several risk factors have been identified, including occupational posture, depressed mood, obesity, body height and age.
Back pain is not a disease but a group of symptoms. Its early causes are still unclear and difficult to diagnose. Lower back pain affects people of all ages, from children to the elderly and is a very common reason for medical consultation.
Reasons for Back Pain
Back pain occurs due to many reasons. If some precautions are taken keeping in mind its causes, then it can be easily prevented. The main causes of back pain include:-
- stress can cause back pain
- Modern technology can cause back pain
- Sleeping on a soft mattress can cause back pain
- Wearing high heels for a long time causes back pain
- Back pain due to weight gain or obesity
- Lack of calcium in the body causes back pain
- Sitting in one place for a long time causes back pain
- Living an inactive lifestyle causes back pain
- Back pain due to loss of muscle coordination
- Disturbances in the back cause back pain
- Back pain due to serious diseases
- back pain due to gas
01. Stress can cause back pain –
Experts believe that stress may be the main cause of low back pain. When you are under stress, your muscles get stiff. In such a situation, due to the stiffness of the back muscles (back pain kyu hota hai in hindi), there is pain in your lower back.
If you are always under stress for some reason, then you may have a problem with back pain. To avoid this problem, you should try to stay away from stress.
02. Modern Technology Can Cause Back Pain –
Today we are surrounded by technology. It is very difficult to do any work or spend our life without mobile or laptop. It is okay to use a mobile or laptop as needed, but spending time sitting in one place for a long time puts pressure on the spine.
Due to pressure on the spinal cord and poor sitting posture, there is pain below the waist (Kamar Ke Niche Dard). To avoid this, you should take care of your posture. At the same time, it should be an effort to take a break for a few minutes after every one hour.
03. Sleeping on a soft mattress can cause back pain-
Sometimes sleeping on a very soft mattress causes strain on the back muscles, which can lead to back pain. If you sleep on a soft mattress, then you should look for an alternative.
04. Wearing high heels for a long time causes back pain-
Wearing high heels for a long time can also cause back pain. If you are troubled by back or back pain, then you should not wear high heel sandals for a few days. You can benefit a lot from this.
05. Weight gain or obesity causes back pain-
Many types of diseases and problems arise due to weight gain or obesity, back pain is also one of them. Due to weight gain, there is more load on the spine, due to which there is back pain.
06. Lack of calcium in the body causes back pain-
The doctor says that due to the lack of calcium in the body, there is a complaint of back pain. In this situation, after consulting a doctor, you should consume things rich in calcium.
07. Sitting in one place for a long time causes back pain-
The problem of back pain also arises due to sitting in one place for a long time. If your back hurts due to sitting for a long time in one place, then you should take a break at some time.
08. Living an inactive lifestyle causes back pain-
More than half of diseases are caused by living an inactive lifestyle. If you adopt an active lifestyle, then more than half of the diseases will not arise and those that have been born will go away. The muscles of the body get stiff due to inactive life. As a result, complaints of back pain arise.
09. Deterioration of muscle coordination causes back pain-
There are about 600 muscles in your body and all are connected to each other. When a problem arises in one muscle, it affects the other muscles. This is the reason why there is pain in the back when the hamstrings are tense or the abdominal muscles are weak.
10. Disturbances in the back cause pain in the back-
A disc is present in the middle of the spinal cord which prevents injury or shock to the spine. But if there is a disturbance in it due to sitting in the wrong posture or due to some reason then the problem of back pain arises. This is the reason why doctors always suggest sitting in the right posture.
11. Back pain occurs due to serious diseases-
Sometimes the cause of back pain can be some serious diseases such as kidney infection, ulcer or pancreatitis, spinal cord infection and osteomyelitis etc. This is the reason why if you have back pain, you should immediately consult a doctor to confirm its exact cause.
Apart from all this, there can be other reasons for back pain as well. Doctors confirm its exact cause with the help of symptoms and tests. After that, the healing process begins.
12. Back pain due to gas-
Sometimes gas also causes back pain. If gas is the cause of your back pain, then after consulting a doctor, you can take gas medicine. Drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning ends the problem of gas. You can try this remedy also.
Home Remedies For Back Pain
If the cause of back pain is not any serious injury or disease, then it can be treated with some special home remedies. Home remedies for back pain include the following:-
01. Treatment of back pain with hot water compress
Light warm water helps to overcome many problems. It is also very beneficial in back pain. Mix salt in lukewarm water and soak the oil in that water and squeeze it out and then compress your waist and back with it.
02. Take 10-15 minutes break every one hour
If your work involves sitting for long hours continuously then you should take a 10-15 minute break every one hour. By doing this, your waist and back muscles get relaxed and the risk of stiffness ends.
03. Fix Your Posture
Take special care of your posture while sitting in the office, metro, bus, bike or train. Sitting in the right posture improves blood circulation in the body, due to which the risk of muscle stiffness is reduced. Most of the people complain of back pain due to improper sitting posture.
04. Eat a diet rich in calcium-
Lack of calcium in the body can also cause back pain or lower back pain. Calcium deficiency starts in the body after the age of 30-35 years.
05. Consult Doctor
If the cause of back pain is a specific disease, then home remedies will not be of any use. In this situation, you should consult an Orthopedist and get proper treatment on time.
ways to avoid back pain
By implementing some special things in your life, you can easily prevent back pain. Following are the ways to prevent back pain:-
- sit in the correct posture.
- avoid lying down for long periods of time.
- follow a healthy diet chart.
- Include foods rich in vitamin D in your diet.
- Drink enough water and juice.
- Eat green vegetables and fruits.
- do light exercise daily.
- Avoid sitting in one place for a long time.
- Avoid getting up, sitting or sleeping with jerks so that there is no sudden pressure on the waist.
- Walk for at least 10-20 minutes daily, it strengthens the spine.
- Use some genuine pain relief oil such as marcogesic oil which is made from natural ingredients and it also does not have any side effects.
Apart from all this, you can massage with marcogesic oil of your pain affected area every day before sleeping. Also keep in mind that you do not lift any heavy objects suddenly, as this can cause back pain.
What is Joint Pain
Joint pain is a frequent circumstance characterised by way of pain, soreness or soreness in one or extra joints in the body. The joints affected are normally the knees, shoulders, neck, elbows and hips. The depth and period of ache rely on the underlying cause. The ache is normally brief and subsides on its own.
However, if the ache is brought about with the aid of an underlying clinical circumstance such as strains, sprains, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, most cancers in the joints, etc., it may additionally require long-term cure or ache management
What are the signs and symptoms of joint pain?
Some of the most frequent signs and symptoms and signs and symptoms related with joint ache are:
- severe or reasonable pain
- joint stiffness
- joint immobility
- combined redness
- joint swelling
- joint tenderness
- heat in joints
- joint deformity
- joint locking
Is joint ache a signal of this?
Joint ache has grown to be one of the frequent fitness issues in modern times which typically influences older persons. It is accompanied by swelling in the joints, which is brought about by way of the breakdown of the articular cartilage in between.
Joint ache can be a signal of the following conditions:
- Osteoarthritis: This is the most frequent circumstance of infection of the joints.
- Rheumatoid arthritis: This is an autoimmune kind of arthritis, in which the body’s immune device assaults its very own healthful cells.
- Bursitis: This is a kind of infection in the sac of fluid that helps cushion the joints.
- Gout: This structure of arthritis adversely influences the joints of the toes. lines and sprains or different injuries.
How does joint ache feel?
Joint ache can be due to quite a number of reasons. Some of them may additionally encompass a particular kind of arthritis characterised via irritation of the joints whilst fibromyalgia and underactive thyroid are different motives now not related with inflammation. Depending on the precise cause, the nature of joint ache can vary.
It stages from moderate to extreme and burns ache in some cases. It can be felt as sharp and prickling. Other signs and symptoms that may additionally accompany the ache encompass swelling and stiffness in the joints, redness and warmness in the affected area, and popular physique signs such as fever, fatigue, and weight loss.
At what age does joint ache start?
Based on research bearing on flexibility, their constrained actions due to loss of flexibility have a tendency to end in joint pain. It happens normally when a person, regardless of gender, reaches the age of 30-40 years.
As a result of ageing, tendons and ligaments lose elasticity as nicely as power which motivates stiffness in the joints. The articular cartilage, which acts as a cushion in the joints, wears out due to friction brought on with the aid of the motion of the bones. This leads to infection in the joints which is an important thing accountable for joint pain.
What is the reason for joint pain?
Joint ache can be the end result of many scientific conditions. The most frequent motives of joint ache are as follows:
This is a situation that takes place when cartilage, a protecting shock-absorbing cushion that occupies the area between the ends of bones in a joint, wears out.Osteoarthritis typically influences the joints of the hands, knees, wrists and hips.
The breakdown of cartilage causes the joints to emerge as challenging and painful. This situation normally influences human beings over the age of forty and the threat will increase with age.
Rheumatoid arthritis: RA is a persistent inflammatory circumstance in which an overactive immune gadget assaults the body’s very own tissues. The auto-immune sickness motives swelling, infection and ache in the joints.
Joints affected by way of RA (usually in the wrist and fingers) grow to be deformed over time. The circumstance can come at any age. Women are at greater danger of RA than men.
Gout: This is a kind of arthritis characterised through unexpected and extreme pain, swelling, tenderness, and redness in the joints. This situation happens when there is an excessive degree of uric acid in the blood. Excess uric acid frequently accumulates in the joints in the structure of sharp and needle-like urate crystals.
It normally impacts one joint (usually the large toe) at a time. The circumstance can have an effect on human beings over the age of 30 and guys are at a greater threat of arthritis than women. However, the hazard of gout will increase substantially in post-menopausal women.
Tendinitis: This is a circumstance characterised with the aid of irritation in the tendons (a fibrous connective tissue that connects bones and muscles. Tendinitis commonly influences the tendons in the knees, wrists, shoulders, elbows, and heels. In most cases, The ache brought about with the aid of tendinitis subsides with medication, perfect rest, and bodily therapy.
Bursitis: This is a painful circumstance prompted via irritation in the bursa (the fluid-filled sac round the joints). The shoulders, hips, knees and elbows are many times affected by means of bursitis. This is in most cases due to repetitive and widely wide-spread movements.
Injury: Joint ache can additionally be brought on by way of accidents such as a damaged bone, sprain (rupture of the ligaments connecting the bones in a joint) or dislocation (displacement of one or greater bones from their ordinary function in the joint).
Other reasons of joint ache include:
- adult nonetheless disease
- Movement in the joints of the backbone – obstructive inflammation
- avascular necrosis
- Arthritis in young people of unknown cause
- psoriatic arthritis
- reactive arthritis
- rheumatic fever
- leukaemia
Why am I always exhausted and why are my joints hurting?
Exhaustion or fatigue is carefully associated with arthritis. The predominant signs and symptoms of arthritis which consist of ache and swelling, reduced things to do and life-style adjustments are accountable for fatigue in affected people. Some necessary elements associated to fatigue in the case of arthritis include:
- Inflammation: As a result of an inflammatory system in the body, cytokines are launched into the blood. These are accountable for inflicting fatigue in the affected person.
- Chronic Pain: The ache is continual in the case of arthritis. This shape of ache can adversely have an effect on slumbering habits which in turn lead to tiredness or fatigue.
- Side consequences of positive medications: Some medicinal drugs taken for arthritis can cause dizziness or fatigue.
- Inactivity: Gout generally takes place with decreased body activity. This exhausts the muscular tissues of the body, resulting in fatigue or exhaustion.
- Summary: Joint pain, related with signs such as limited actions and a sedentary lifestyle, motives fatigue or exhaustion in affected individuals. Chronic ache and irritation are elements inflicting fatigue in such conditions.
How to get rid of joint pain?
Joint pain, frequently referred to as arthritis, is accompanied by means of infection of the joints in addition to pain. It can be prevent my multiple ways:
- Maintaining a physique weight that is viewed as healthy.
- Control and control diabetes conditions.
- Along with bodily activities, encompass workout in your each day routine.
- In such a situation, there is a want to keep away from any variety of harm to the joints.
- The ache induced by arthritis needs to no longer be ignored.
Which ingredients increase joint pain?
There are sure meals that are acknowledged to amplify the possibilities of infection and ache in the joints. Such meals are:
- fried and processed foods
- Sugars and Refined Carbs
- dairy
- alcohol and tobacco
- salt and preservatives
- corn oil
What to consume in joint pain?
Foods can play a vital position in the manipulation and administration of arthritis or joint pain. Some ingredients that are desired include:
- Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids.
- Walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds and almonds.
- Vegetables are mainly leafy greens like cabbage, kale, broccoli etc.
- Fruits wealthy in flavonoids such as pineapple, apples and blueberries
- Use of olive oil for cooking.
- Beans as nicely as lentils.
- Herbs and spices like ginger and garlic.
- Whole grain sources.
- Calcium rich diet
Can joint pain be serious?
Joint pain is the result of a decrease in the flexibility of the joints, mainly due to ageing. This can be considered a side effect of a hyperactive lifestyle. Feeling of tenderness in the joints is common among individuals but the following are some of the symptoms that become a matter of serious concern when found associated with joint pain:
Swelling in the joint area: If redness or swelling is present in the affected joint area, it should not be ignored. This may be due to inflammation of the particular site.
Experiencing stiffness in the joints: Feeling of stiffness in the joints, especially in the morning, can be a serious concern that needs attention.
Lameness: When the affected person has persistent lameness due to joint pain, it should be looked into. This is a symptom of bad pain.
Hearing a crunching sound: Experiencing a crunching sound when the joints move is something that should be discussed with a doctor.
Difficulty sleeping: Debilitating joint pain can result in difficulty in sleeping resulting in drowsiness and fatigue.
Fever and chills: Fever or chills along with joint pain is a serious problem. This can be a sign of infection in the joints.
How to get relief from joint pain?
There are some treatments that can assist in relieving joint pain. some of them are:
Home Care: Some chronic joint conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis require long-term pain management. Here are some easy steps that can assist you manipulate joint ache ensuing from this kind of continual joint condition: stretch your joint to preserve vary of motion Use a brace or wrap to guard your joint
Maintain a journal and be aware down things to do that set off joint pain; keep away from these activities use an elastic wrap to compress the joint rest regularly Apply a heat or cold compress to the affected joint for at least 15 minutes (do this several times daily)
Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help restore the strength of the muscles around the joint, improve joint stability, and increase the range of motion of the joint. You can consult a physical therapist and opt for techniques such as ultrasound and electrical nerve stimulation to restore joint function and mobility. Similarly, you can also opt for an assistant (such as a cane or braces) to help ease your joint movement.
Weight loss: People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of joint problems. Excess body weight can adversely affect existing joint conditions and make pain worse. To reduce joint pain, you should try to lose weight by leading a more active lifestyle and exercising regularly.
Use marcogesic oil
marcogesic oil is an allopathic medicine containing peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and linseed oil along with other ingredients that work as a pain reliever, inflammation reducer & also maintain skin health. marcogesic oil is an innovation in pain management. It gives a magic touch to relieve pain.
marcogesic oil is an allopathic oil for all types of your body pain. Which is made with the natural amalgamation of peppermint oil which relieves from itching, muscle pain oil, and headache. eucalyptus oil which
Relieves in cold symptoms and reduces pain and linseed oil which May Help Reduce Cancer Cell Growth and improve skin health. It also comes with other ingredients that work as a pain reliever & inflammation reducer. It is a remarkably effective oil in your pain management.
This oil prevents in many kind of pain like:
- Shoulder ache
- Back ache
- Knee pain
- Shoulder and joint pain
- Any kind of muscular pain
- Joints pain
- Lower back pain
- Prevention in spondylitis
- Frozen shoulder
- Sprain and strain
- rheumatic, arthritis, and inflammatory joint diseases
How to use marcogesic oil?
marcogesic oil is an oil used as per the prescription or direction is written on the packaging. Apply a few drops of this oil on the affected area & massage gently till the oil completely absorbs in the skin. Don’t apply it on cuts or infections and don’t put this oil into the eyes. In case of cold & blocked nose apply a few drops of marcogesic oil on the chest & massage for a good 1-2 minutes gently.
What is muscle cramp | Causes of muscle cramp | Treatment | Eligibility for Treatment | The side effects | General instructions | Healing process & time | Duration of muscle cramp | Treatment cost | Diet | Treatment options
What are muscle cramps ?
Muscle cramps are a common difficulty that can occur in people of different age groups; It can affect the elderly and adults as well as children. Muscle spasms or sudden throbbing are most commonly felt in the area around the foot, legs or calf, that is, around the knee when a muscle, or a group of muscles, contracts involuntarily and the muscles do so.
Never return to your normal position unless some stretching exercises have been done by the victim.
Muscle cramps can be caused by strenuous exercise (due to which muscles become tired) and other factors such as dehydration and taking certain medications. In older people, night cramps are a common ailment that can be prevented by turning one’s toe down.
Treatment of common cramps includes intake of adequate fluid and nutrition, stretching, maintaining proper body posture and being careful when exercising. If the muscle spasm crosses the tolerance threshold, a warm water massage or applying ice to the affected area is recommended.
A heating pad or towel soaked in warm water may be applied to the spasm. A stream of warm warm water can be directed at the spasm; Similarly, a hot bath can also help. People who face severe and
persistent cramps should see a doctor and take prescribed medicines.
Many physicians recommend the intake of vitamin B complex to treat muscle cramps; However, the effectiveness of this option is not foolproof.
What is the cause of muscle cramps?
Muscle cramps are usually caused by a lack of magnesium in the body. Among other minerals, magnesium ranks fourth in abundance and is one of the essential elements present in the body responsible for the functioning of the body. It is responsible for carrying out various biochemical processes in the body including muscle contraction and nerve transmission.
What are 5 Common Causes of Muscle Cramps?
Muscle cramps can occur due to some reasons such as:
- Muscle strain or overuse.
- Nerve compression, which can be caused by spinal cord injury.
- Dehydration.
- Deficiency of magnesium, potassium and calcium.
- Decreased blood supply to muscles.
- some medicines.
- Pregnancy.
What really happens when your muscles cramp?
In a muscle spasm, there is a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscle that lasts for a short or comparatively long period in that state. In this case the muscles usually close and are accompanied by muscle stiffness and intense pain.
A section of a muscle or a complete crew of muscles, such as voluntary muscles, is affected. The most common of these cramps occur in the muscles of the legs, arms, arms, abdomen and rib cage.
How are muscle cramps treated?
- Muscle spasms are undoubtedly disruptive, but general spasms caused by forceful contractions of voluntary muscles can be treated with a small amount of exercise and muscle relaxation by massaging the affected area.
- Specialists can diagnose and treat cramps caused by certain medical conditions. In addition, common leg cramps can be corrected by performing an exercise where a person is required to stand away from the wall and then push their forearms against the wall while keeping the knees and back straight and the ankles touching the floor. ties with.
- Muscle stretching is another exercise that can also be done when a person lies on their back and flexes the ankle by pulling the toes upward while keeping the knees straight. Cramps on the palms can be relieved by pressing the fist against a wall.
- In addition to exercise, drinking plenty of fluids with an adequate water and electrolyte combination helps reduce the frequency of muscle cramps. Cramps that result from injuries can be treated with medications.
- In recent times, people with “dystonia” (a disorder in muscle tone) have found relief from injections of botulism toxin or Botox supplements. Cramps can be caused by many diseases, and these cramps are treated by treating the main disease.
- People struggling from persistent muscle cramps can take 1-1.5 grams of calcium or 50-100 milligrams of magnesium daily.(However, people with kidney problems should have regular blood tests for excess magnesium in the blood that can prove dangerous).
- Vitamins D and E are other supplements that older people can use to prevent themselves from getting regular, sore, muscle cramps.
Who is eligible for the treatment of muscle cramps? (When is the treatment done?)
Anyone from a child to an elderly person suffering from muscle cramps can do regular exercise and consume enough nutrition and fluids to prevent muscle cramps. If a person experiences persistent cramps that refuse to go away even after being treated by exercise or common home remedies, they should see a doctor.
Other conditions that require a visit to the doctor include a cramp that is the result of a particular condition or injury.
Are there any side effects?
Some medications for muscle spasms can cause side effects such as defects in the reproductive system. It can also lead to miscarriage. This may be responsible for a decrease in the number of platelets, and can cause other symptoms such as nausea, headache, deafness, vision and heart problems.
That is why the use of quinine is generally prohibited but in some cases a solution of quinine, also known as tonic water, is given to patients to prevent night cramps.
Magnesium is another supplement that doctors often recommend among patients to relieve muscle cramps. However, it is not recommended for people with kidney problems and even if it is, it should be balanced with an appropriate dose of calcium or diuretics.
What are the guidelines for post-treatment muscle cramps?
In the present scenario, Botox therapy is applied when it comes to the treatment of muscle cramps. It reduces muscle spasms and the effect lasts for several months after which the process has to be repeated.
Apart from this regular exercise such as muscle stretching, ankle and palm flexion, maintaining correct posture while doing any activity will keep common cramps away. Cramps can be an inevitable result of strenuous exercise that not only causes fatigue but also increases sweating resulting in loss of vital minerals such as potassium and sodium, leading to muscle cramps.
Regulating these conditions may only be possible with warm-up and cool-down exercise, along with the intake of electrolyte solutions. People with severe cramps can do these routines and consume professional medical treatments containing vitamins D, E, calcium and magnesium.
How long does it take for muscle cramps to heal?
Normal muscle pain takes a few minutes to heal if proper stretching or relaxation massage is done on the affected area. If the cramp is severe, it may take up to an hour for it to heal completely.
Night cramps are common in older people and can be relieved within a few minutes by moving the toe down.
Severe cramps resulting from dystonia (a condition where muscle tone is disorganised) that can be treated by physiotherapy or Botox injections are ongoing procedures that patients need to continue for as long as possible.
How long do cramps last?
The duration of the spasm mainly depends on the fact where the spasm occurs. In the case of menstrual cramps that occur as a throbbing and cramping pain in the pelvic region, the pain usually starts one to two days before the menstrual flow begins.
It continues for two to three days or several days in some cases. In the case of cramps that occur in the legs, arms, and hands, the duration of the cramps can range from a few seconds to minutes.
What is the cost of muscle cramps treatment in India?
The cost of treating muscle spasms depends on the severity of the condition. If it is a simple spasm then it can be cured with home remedies. But if it involves medicines or physiotherapy, the cost can be anywhere within Rs. 250 – 1000 Rs.
What can you eat to stop cramps?
Since nutritional deficiencies are one of the reasons responsible for muscle cramps, either nutritional supplements or a healthy nutritious diet should be preferred in this case. Deficiencies of calcium, sodium and magnesium are usually responsible.
Foods such as milk, yogurt, canned fish, nuts and seeds make up for calcium deficiency while cheese, celery, spicy foods and beetroot are needed for sodium intake. Magnesium requirement is met through consumption of whole grains, nuts, seeds and raw cocoa.
What can I drink for leg cramps?
Dehydration is an important factor responsible for muscle cramps. Therefore, it is preferred to drink a lot of water to get relief from the pain during this period.
Water intake should be increased throughout the day, which not only helps in relieving pain but also plays a role in its prevention. In addition to water, other liquids such as sports drinks such as Gatorade also work.
Is Salt Good for Cramps?
The need for salt in case of muscle cramps is not yet proven. However, the reason commonly considered as a factor for this condition points to low levels of salts in one’s diet, especially sodium. Based on this, it is recommended to increase the intake of salt in the diet, although some science-based studies have refuted this fact.
Are the results of the treatment of muscle cramps permanent?
Normal muscle pain takes a few minutes to heal if proper stretching or relaxation massage is done on the affected area. If the cramp is severe, it may take up to an hour for it to heal completely.
Night cramps are common in older people and can be relieved within a few minutes by moving the toe down.
What are the treatment options for muscle cramps?
There are some natural processes by which muscle inflammation can be stopped. These include application of chamomile oil on the affected area, consumption of cherry juice and blueberries which work as antioxidants.
When it comes to reducing muscle cramps, pills and creams containing the goodness of cayenne pepper also work wonders. Apart from all this, eating nutritious food, sunbathing and getting enough rest helps in relaxing the muscles, which can prevent muscle cramps.
Knee pain is a prevalent condition that affects individuals of all ages and activity levels. Whether you are an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or leading a sedentary lifestyle, understanding the symptoms, causes, and preventive measures for knee pain is crucial. In this blog post, we will delve into the professional aspects of knee pain, providing valuable insights to help you manage and prevent this debilitating condition.
Symptoms of Knee Pain
Knee pain can manifest in various ways, and recognizing the symptoms is essential for early intervention and effective management. Common symptoms include-
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Swelling and inflammation around the knee
- Limited range of motion
- Tenderness and sensitivity to touch
- Weakness or instability in the knee
- Grinding or popping sensations during movement
Causes of Knee Pain
Understanding the underlying causes of knee pain is crucial for appropriate treatment and prevention strategies. Some common causes include-
- Osteoarthritis- This degenerative joint disease occurs due to wear and tear of the knee joint over time.
- Ligament Injuries- ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and MCL (medial collateral ligament) injuries are common among athletes and can result from sudden twisting or impact.
- Meniscus Tears- The menisci are C-shaped cartilage pads that provide cushioning in the knee joint. Tears can occur due to sudden movements or degenerative changes.
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome- This condition, often seen in runners, results from imbalances in the muscles around the knee, causing the patella (kneecap) to track incorrectly.
- Overuse Injuries- Repetitive stress on the knee joint from activities like running or jumping can lead to conditions such as patellar tendinitis or iliotibial band syndrome.
Prevention of Knee Pain
Prevention plays a crucial role in maintaining knee health and minimising the risk of knee pain. Here are some preventive measures to consider-
- Maintaining a Healthy- Weight Excess weight places additional stress on the knees, increasing the likelihood of developing knee pain. Maintain a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
- Strengthen the Muscles around the Knee- Regular strength training exercises that target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles can help support and stabilise the knee joint.
- Practise Proper Form and Technique- Whether you’re involved in sports or exercise, ensure you use proper form and technique to reduce the risk of knee injuries.
- Warm-up and Stretch- Prior to physical activity, warm up with light cardiovascular exercise and perform dynamic stretches to prepare the muscles and joints for movement.
- Use Appropriate Footwear- Wear shoes that provide proper support and cushioning, especially for activities that involve repetitive impact on the knees.
- Avoid Overtraining- Gradually increase the intensity and duration of physical activities to prevent overuse injuries. Incorporate rest days into your routine to allow adequate recovery.
- Listen to Your Body- Pay attention to any discomfort or pain in the knees. If you experience persistent pain or swelling, seek medical attention promptly.
Knee pain can significantly impact your daily life and hinder your ability to engage in physical activities. By understanding the symptoms, causes, and preventive measures discussed in this blog post, you are better equipped to manage and prevent knee pain effectively. Remember, early intervention, proper care, and a proactive approach to knee health are key to maintaining an active and pain-free lifestyle. Consult with a healthcare professional for a personalised assessment and tailored treatment plan if you experience persistent or severe knee pain. Stay proactive, prioritise your knee.
What is kidney stone | causes | other reasons | symptoms | types of kidney stone | Marc uro 5 | how does it work | ingredients | kidney detox
What is kidney stone?
It is very common to have kidney stones nowadays. It can be diagnosed and treated easily yet you need to be aware of this growing disease. It is important for you to know what are the reasons for having a stone and how to know that there is no stone in the body. Actually this stone is made from a combination of minerals and salt. Their size can be small or big. Many times these small stones come out through our urine. If these stones get stuck somewhere inside the kidney or urinary tract, they cause very severe pain. Let’s find out what are the reasons and symptoms of kidney stones.
What are the causes of kidney stones?
Kidney and ureteral stones can happen to anyone. Under normal circumstances, urine maintains a chemical balance in urine but certain factors trigger the formation of stones.
Common causes of kidney stones
Given below are the causes of kidney stones:
- family history
- Lack of sufficient amount of fluid makes urine concentrated and dark. Minerals are unable to dissolve and may crystallise into stones
- A high-protein diet increases the acid content of urine, which increases the chances of stone formation.
- If your diet is high in protein and sodium and low in calcium, you may still have kidney stones.
- High intake of food rich in oxalate such as green leafy vegetables (such as spinach), dried fruits, chocolate and tea
- Bowel disorders such as chronic diarrhoea, gastric problems and Crohn’s disease
- obesity
- Blocked urinary tract due to benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Hyperthyroidism, also a result of an overproduction of calcium in the urine
When the body absorbs more calcium from the foods we eat, a condition called absorption hypercalciuria also results in stone formation.
Another condition characterised by resorptive hypercalciuria characterised by kidneys secreting excess calcium into the urine.
Other reasons of stone in kidney:
1- Family- If someone in your family has a kidney stone, then it increases your risk of getting stone. If you had some kidney stones before, there is a very high chance that it will occur in the near future.
2- Drinking water- Some people drink less water which is harmful for health.Drinking less amount of water throughout the whole day leads to kidney stones. You should drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water a day.
3- Food- If you do not take care of food and drink and include excessive amounts of protein, salt and sugar in the diet, then it increases the risk of kidney stones.
4- Obesity- obesity is the cause of almost every disease of our body. Due to obesity, the body mass index and waist dimension amplify greatly. This increases the risk of kidney stones. So keep the weight under control.
5- Surgery and disease-– If you have had any surgical operation or if you are already struggling from any sickness then the threat of stone increases. When your physique is unable to soak up calcium and water, it will increase the probabilities of stone formation.
What are the symptoms of kidney stones?
Very small stones or stones found in the kidney are usually not noticeable because those stones are passed out in the urine. Whenever a stone is growing, it rarely causes any symptoms. When they grow up and move around, the symptoms of kidney stones start to be felt.
Below are the frequent signs and symptoms of kidney stones:-
- severe lower back ache that spreads round the decrease stomach and into the groyne
- presence of blood in urine
- Symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting
- High fever or chills may occur if accompanied by a urinary tract infection
Occasionally, there is an excruciating pain in the back, which most people think is caused by a muscle pull but is actually caused by a small sized kidney stone if you experience any of these symptoms consistently. If so, without any delay contact a urologist.
What is the prevention:
- Drink more fluids.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Reduce sodium in the diet.
What not to eat:
- Limit oxalate foods- Oxalate is commonly found in chocolate, beets, nuts, spinach, strawberries, tea and wheat bran.
- Eat less animal protein- Acidic substances are high in animal protein and there is an increase in uric acid. High uric acid can lead to stone formation.
Are there different types of kidney stones?
Yes, there are many types of kidney stones. There are four types of kidney stones, about which very few people are aware. All the four types of kidney stones are described below:-
Calcium Stone: –Calcium stone is the most frequent kind of kidney stone. This kidney stone is shaped by using a mixture of chemical substances like calcium, oxalate or phosphorus. People who drink less water or take more oxalate and phosphorus diets are more prone to this problem, 80 percent of people are victims of this kidney stone.
Uric Acid Stone: – Uric acid kidney stone generally found more in men than in women. This kidney stone takes place when the quantity of uric acid in urine is high. The hassle of uric acid stone is most probable due to eating a purine-rich diet. Purine is a colourless substance that is most frequently observed in animal proteins. So the man or woman who consumes extra non-vegetarian food, they are extra inclined to get uric acid stones.
Struvite stone: – Struvite stone is observed more in females than in men. Women who are struggling from urinary tract infections are most likely to get this kidney stone. Having this kidney stone ability now the urinary tract infection has advanced a lot and due to this the kidney has ended up infected. Due to this kidney stone, issues associated with urination begin increasing. To get rid of this struvite kidney stone, the first element to do is to get rid of the feasible infection.
Cystine Stone:- Cystine stone can show up in each woman and men. This kidney stone is a hereditary ailment induced by way of the leakage of cysteine into the urine from the kidneys. This kidney stone is very uncommon in contrast to different kidney stones. Let us inform you that cysteine is a non-essential amino acid that is necessary for making proteins and different metabolic functions. It is observed in beta-keratin. It is a fundamental protein located in nails, pores and skin and hair. Cysteine is very vital for making collagen
Is there any effective ayurvedic medicine for kidney stones?
Any kind of problem in your body can make you uncomfortable and uneasy and may affect your daily life and its performance. And when there is some stone in your kidney it is very uncomfortable, uneasy and painful for a person who is having this problem. You may get rid of the kidney stone with surgical treatments but the chance of reoccurrence of stone is higher in these treatments, whereas ayurvedic medicine
Marc uro 5 dilutes the stone & eliminates the future possibilities of stone formation.
Marc uro 5 is an oral and also an ayurvedic medicine which has been developed by scientists of CSIR-NBRI & approved by Govt. of India. Marc uro 5 is prepared with natural herbs like Pashanbheda, Daruharidra, Gokshura, and Amrita & Bhuiamala. Marc uro 5 dilutes stones in the kidney causing no pain, no rashes, & no infections. Unlike surgical methods, Marc uro 5 doesn’t lead to the further formation of stones in the kidneys.
How does Marc uro 5 work?
Marc uro 5 is a very effective ayurvedic medicine of kidney stones. Generally all the medicine of the kidney stone only breaks your kidney stone and creates pain & some sort of wounds in your urinary tract but Marc uro 5 does not break your kidney stone besides it dilutes your kidney stone completely and removes it from your body without any pain.
Marc uro 5 is totally an ayurvedic medicine which was developed by the scientists of CSIR-NBRI in collaboration with Marc laboratories. It dilutes the kidney stone size up to 15mm very easily.
Daily use of Marc uro 5 after breakfast and dinner is a very effective way to take it. And if you want the best result then follow the diet chart and complete the full course of this medicine Marc uro 5 is a completely herbal and ayurvedic product which doesn’t have any side effects.
What are the ingredients of Marc uro 5?
Marc uro 5 is made from combination of 5 natural herbs which are-
- Pashanbhed
- Daruharidra
- Bhui Amla
- Gokhru
- Amrita
The features of all these herbs:
There are many differences regarding this plant. Many scholars have considered different plants to be stony differences. The stem of this plant is short and the leaves are oval. The length of the leaves of the stone is 5-15 cm in flowering and about 30 cm in winter.
Daruharidra is a medicinal herb. You will be amazed to comprehend the advantages of Daruharidra. It is additionally acknowledged as Daru Haldi. It is very beneficial in the therapy of diabetes. It is such a herb that can correctly do away with many unhealthy fitness problems. The advantages of daruharidra are in liver cirrhosis, lowering inflammation, treating jaundice, diarrhoea, controlling diabetes, stopping cancer, treating piles, stopping menstrual problems etc.
Bhumi Amla:
It additionally reduces gastric acid. Plus, Bhumiamla helps to prevent ulcers. Consumption of floor amla additionally reduces the threat of kidney stones. It no longer enables oxalate crystals to accumulate in the kidney.
Gokhru is regarded as advisable in getting alleviation from kidney diseases. Gokhru Desi Treatment is regarded for kidney stones. You are advised many methods to get alleviation from kidney stone pain. But bunions can be a panacea for this. Gokhru for Diabetes is additionally viewed as beneficial.
Amrita herb or giloy:
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) is a kind of vine which is often observed in forests and shrubs. Giloy has been used as an Ayurvedic medication due to historical times. According to Ayurveda, all the three components of Giloy’s leaves, roots and stem are very really helpful for health, however the stem or stalk of Giloy is used the most in the remedy of diseases.
How is Marc uro 5 different from other medicines available in the market?
The medicine available in the market has a tendency to break your kidney stone and remove it from your urine. The problem in that process is that the stone which breaks by the medicine can create some damage in your internal organs like the kidney or urinary tract, which might be dangerous and can be very painful at that time.
Marc uro 5 is not like your ordinary medicine, Marc uro 5 is made by CSIR-NBRI scientists after research of 5 years and all the clinical trials. Marc uro 5 does not break your kidney stone. It efficiently dilutes the kidney stone inside the kidney and makes it out from your body through your urine. In the process of dilution, there is no pain or any kind of adverse symptom in the body.
What is kidney detox?
In our daily lifestyle, we ate a lot of unhealthy and processed food at every hour of the day somehow. These foods have a very adverse effect on our bodies and affect our kidney function.
From time to time we have to detox our kidneys for better and improved performance. Because if our kidneys do not work properly then they can create some problems( kidney stones) inside the body.
How Marc uro 5 helps to detox the kidney?
Marc uro 5 is made from all the natural herbs which help to improve kidney function and enhance its work system. If you recently go through kidney stone surgery then it does not mean you won’t have kidney stones in near future. Marc uro 5 also helps to prevent future possibilities from occurring kidney stones.
लगातार खराब होती लाइफस्टाइल की वजह से किडनी से जुड़ी समस्याएँ बहुत तेज़ी से बढ़ती जा रही है, जिसमे kidney stone यानि गुर्दे की पथरी की समस्या सबसे आम है।
हमारी किडनी रक्त को साफ़ करते समय उसमें मौजूद सभी अपशिष्ट पदार्थो और गैर जरूरी पोषक तत्वों को अलग करके उन्हें यूरिन के जरिये शरीर से बाहर निकाल देती हैं।
लेकिन रक्त में अपशिष्ट पदार्थो और पोषक तत्वों की मात्रा अधिक होने पर या किडनी के ठीक से काम न कर पाने के कारण से यह अपशिष्ट पदार्थ किडनी में ही जमा होने लगते हैं जिसकी वजह kidney stone या गुर्दे की पथरी की समस्या होने लगती है।
गुर्दे की पथरी के चार मुख्य प्रकार हैं:
- कैल्शियम ऑक्सालेट स्टोन: ये गुर्दे की पथरी का सबसे आम प्रकार है। वे तब बनते हैं जब मूत्र में बहुत अधिक कैल्शियम और ऑक्सालेट होता है।
- स्ट्रूवाइट स्टोन: ये पथरी मूत्र पथ में संक्रमण होने पर बनती है। संक्रमण के कारण शरीर में स्ट्रुवाइट नामक पदार्थ का अधिक उत्पादन होता है, जो अन्य खनिजों के साथ मिलकर पत्थर बना सकता है।
- यूरिक एसिड स्टोन: ये पथरी तब बनती है जब मूत्र में बहुत अधिक यूरिक एसिड होता है। यूरिक एसिड एक अपशिष्ट उत्पाद है जो तब उत्पन्न होता है जब शरीर प्रोटीन को तोड़ता है।
- सिस्टीन स्टोन: ये पत्थर दुर्लभ हैं। वे उन लोगों में बनते हैं जिनमें आनुवंशिक विकार होता है जिसके कारण वे बहुत अधिक मात्रा में अमीनो एसिड सिस्टीन उत्सर्जित करते हैं।
गुर्दे की पथरी विभिन्न प्रकार के लक्षण पैदा कर सकती है, जिनमें शामिल हैं:
- पीठ या बाजू में अचानक, तेज दर्द
- पेशाब में खून आना
- बुखार और उल्टी
- यूरिन करने में दर्द
- जल्दी पेशाब आना
किडनी स्टोन कैसे होता है?
गुर्दे की पथरी तब बनती है जब मूत्र में कुछ खनिजों की मात्रा बहुत अधिक हो जाती है। ये खनिज क्रिस्टलीकृत होकर स्टोन बना सकते हैं। गुर्दे की पथरी का सबसे आम प्रकार कैल्शियम ऑक्सालेट पत्थर है, जो मूत्र में बहुत अधिक कैल्शियम और ऑक्सालेट होने पर बनता है। गुर्दे की पथरी के अन्य प्रकारों में स्ट्रूवाइट पथरी, यूरिक एसिड पथरी और सिस्टीन पथरी शामिल हैं।
बहुत से ऐसे कारण है जो किडनी स्टोन को बढ़ा सकते है जैसे –
- कम मात्रा में पानी पीना
- हाई ऑक्सालेट आहार
- अधिक वजन का होना
- चिकित्सीय स्थितियाँ
- पारिवारिक इतिहास
भारत में विभिन्न आयु वर्ग के अनुसार किडनी स्टोन की क्या स्थिति है ?
किडनी स्टोन वैसे तो अधिकतर व्यसक पुरुषो और महिलाओ में अधिक देखने को मिलता है , लेकिन यह अब कम उम्र में लोगो में भी आसानी से देखने को मिल जाता है जिसे आप नीचे दिए गए टेबल से समझ सकते है –
भारत में किडनी स्टोन का प्रतिशत पुरुष और महिलाओ में क्या है ?
किडनी स्टोन होने की संभव किसी लिंग के आधार पे तह नहीं होती बल्कि यह जीवनशैली और खान पान के अनुसार होती है। अभी तक जितनी भी analysis सामने आयी है उनमे पुरुष और महिलाओं में किडनी स्टोन बनने की प्रक्रिया में ज्यादा अंतर देखने को नहीं मिला है जिसे आप नीचे दिए गए टेबल में भी देख सकते है –
अगर आपको किडनी स्टोन है तो आपको इन चीज़ो को खाने से बचना चाहिए –
- नॉन-वेज
- पालक
- टमाटर
- काजू
- बादाम
- स्ट्रॉबेरी
- मूंगफली
- नट्स
जंक और फ़ास्ट फ़ूड खाने से कितने प्रतिशत लोगो में किडनी स्टोन होता है ?
जर्नल यूरोलॉजी में प्रकाशित एक अध्ययन में पाया गया कि जो लोग अधिक फ़ास्ट या जंक फ़ूड खाते हैं, उनमें गुर्दे की पथरी विकसित होने की संभावना उन लोगों की तुलना में 2.5 गुना अधिक होती है, जो कम फ़ास्ट या जंक फ़ूड खाते हैं। 2015 में द अमेरिकन जर्नल ऑफ क्लिनिकल न्यूट्रिशन जर्नल में प्रकाशित एक अन्य अध्ययन में पाया गया कि जो लोग कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स या अन्य इसी प्रकार के पेय पीते हैं, उनमें गुर्दे की पथरी होने की संभावना उन लोगों की तुलना में 30% अधिक होती है, जो कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स नहीं पीते हैं।
गुर्दे की पथरी का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज क्या है?
किडनी स्टोन के लिए आज बाज़ार में आपको तमाम तरह की दवा देखने को मिल जायेगी पर उन सभी का रिजल्ट बहुत कम देखने को मिलता है। एलोपैथिक दवाएं किडनी स्टोन की समस्या में कारगर तो हो सकती है पर अगर लम्बे समय तक इनका प्रयोग किया गया तो यह आपकी किडनी को बुरी तरह प्रभावित कर सकती है। ऐसे में किडनी स्टोन की समस्या से निजात पाने के लिए आयुर्वेदिक उपाय की सबसे बेहतर माना जाता है।
गुर्दे की पथरी का इलाज पथरी के आकार और प्रकार पर निर्भर करता है। छोटी पथरी अपने आप निकल सकती है, लेकिन बड़ी पथरी को सर्जरी से निकालने की जरूरत पड़ सकती है। ऐसी कई दवाएं (आयुर्वेदिक) भी हैं जो गुर्दे की पथरी को गलाने में मदद कर सकती हैं। और बिना किसी परेशानी के आपकी किडनी स्टोन की ठीक कर सकती है।
मार्क लैब की मार्क यूरो 5 किडनी स्टोन की एक 100% आयुर्वेदिक दवा है जो CSIR-NBRI के वैज्ञानिको के 5 साल के शोध के बाद विकसित की गयी है। मार्क यूरो 5 आपकी –
- गुर्दे की पथरी को दूर करें
- किडनी की कार्यप्रणाली में सुधार लाये
- यूरिनरी ट्रैक्ट को स्वस्थ्य को बनाए रखें
- गुर्दे की पथरी को गला कर निकाले
- किडनी को डिटॉक्स करे