Muscle cramps: Symptoms, reasons, treatment and diagnosis

What is muscle cramp | Causes of muscle cramp | Treatment | Eligibility for Treatment | The side effects | General instructions | Healing process & time | Duration of muscle cramp | Treatment cost | Diet | Treatment options

What are muscle cramps ?

Muscle cramps are a common difficulty that can occur in people of different age groups; It can affect the elderly and adults as well as children. Muscle spasms or sudden throbbing are most commonly felt in the area around the foot, legs or calf, that is, around the knee when a muscle, or a group of muscles, contracts involuntarily and the muscles do so.

Never return to your normal position unless some stretching exercises have been done by the victim.

Muscle cramps can be caused by strenuous exercise (due to which muscles become tired) and other factors such as dehydration and taking certain medications. In older people, night cramps are a common ailment that can be prevented by turning one’s toe down.

Treatment of common cramps includes intake of adequate fluid and nutrition, stretching, maintaining proper body posture and being careful when exercising. If the muscle spasm crosses the tolerance threshold, a warm water massage or applying ice to the affected area is recommended.

A heating pad or towel soaked in warm water may be applied to the spasm. A stream of warm warm water can be directed at the spasm; Similarly, a hot bath can also help. People who face severe and 

persistent cramps should see a doctor and take prescribed medicines.

Many physicians recommend the intake of vitamin B complex to treat muscle cramps; However, the effectiveness of this option is not foolproof.

What is the cause of muscle cramps?

Muscle cramps are usually caused by a lack of magnesium in the body. Among other minerals, magnesium ranks fourth in abundance and is one of the essential elements present in the body responsible for the functioning of the body. It is responsible for carrying out various biochemical processes in the body including muscle contraction and nerve transmission.

What are 5 Common Causes of Muscle Cramps?

Muscle cramps can occur due to some reasons such as:

  • Muscle strain or overuse.
  • Nerve compression, which can be caused by spinal cord injury.
  • Dehydration.
  • Deficiency of  magnesium, potassium and calcium.
  • Decreased blood supply to muscles.
  • some medicines.
  • Pregnancy.

What really happens when your muscles cramp?

In a muscle spasm, there is a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscle that lasts for a short or comparatively long period in that state. In this case the muscles usually close and are accompanied by muscle stiffness and intense pain.

A section of a muscle or a complete crew of muscles, such as voluntary muscles, is affected. The most common of these cramps occur in the muscles of the legs, arms, arms, abdomen and rib cage.

How are muscle cramps treated?

  • Muscle spasms are undoubtedly disruptive, but general spasms caused by forceful contractions of voluntary muscles can be treated with a small amount of exercise and muscle relaxation by massaging the affected area.
  • Specialists can diagnose and treat cramps caused by certain medical conditions. In addition, common leg cramps can be corrected by performing an exercise where a person is required to stand away from the wall and then push their forearms against the wall while keeping the knees and back straight and the ankles touching the floor. ties with.
  • Muscle stretching is another exercise that can also be done when a person lies on their back and flexes the ankle by pulling the toes upward while keeping the knees straight. Cramps on the palms can be relieved by pressing the fist against a wall.
  • In addition to exercise, drinking plenty of fluids with an adequate water and electrolyte combination helps reduce the frequency of muscle cramps. Cramps that result from injuries can be treated with medications.
  • In recent times, people with “dystonia” (a disorder in muscle tone) have found relief from injections of botulism toxin or Botox supplements. Cramps can be caused by many diseases, and these cramps are treated by treating the main disease.
  • People struggling from persistent muscle cramps can take 1-1.5 grams of calcium or 50-100 milligrams of magnesium daily.(However, people with kidney problems should have regular blood tests for excess magnesium in the blood that can prove dangerous).
  • Vitamins D and E are other supplements that older people can use to prevent themselves from getting regular, sore, muscle cramps.

Who is eligible for the treatment of muscle cramps? (When is the treatment done?)

Anyone from a child to an elderly person suffering from muscle cramps can do regular exercise and consume enough nutrition and fluids to prevent muscle cramps. If a person experiences persistent cramps that refuse to go away even after being treated by exercise or common home remedies, they should see a doctor. 

Other conditions that require a visit to the doctor include a cramp that is the result of a particular condition or injury.

Are there any side effects?

Some medications for muscle spasms can cause side effects such as defects in the reproductive system. It can also lead to miscarriage. This may be responsible for a decrease in the number of platelets, and can cause other symptoms such as nausea, headache, deafness, vision and heart problems.

That is why the use of quinine is generally prohibited but in some cases a solution of quinine, also known as tonic water, is given to patients to prevent night cramps.

Magnesium is another supplement that doctors often recommend among patients to relieve muscle cramps. However, it is not recommended for people with kidney problems and even if it is, it should be balanced with an appropriate dose of calcium or diuretics.

What are the guidelines for post-treatment muscle cramps?

In the present scenario, Botox therapy is applied when it comes to the treatment of muscle cramps. It reduces muscle spasms and the effect lasts for several months after which the process has to be repeated.

Apart from this regular exercise such as muscle stretching, ankle and palm flexion, maintaining correct posture while doing any activity will keep common cramps away. Cramps can be an inevitable result of strenuous exercise that not only causes fatigue but also increases sweating resulting in loss of vital minerals such as potassium and sodium, leading to muscle cramps.

Regulating these conditions may only be possible with warm-up and cool-down exercise, along with the intake of electrolyte solutions. People with severe cramps can do these routines and consume professional medical treatments containing vitamins D, E, calcium and magnesium.

How long does it take for muscle cramps to heal?

Normal muscle pain takes a few minutes to heal if proper stretching or relaxation massage is done on the affected area. If the cramp is severe, it may take up to an hour for it to heal completely. 

Night cramps are common in older people and can be relieved within a few minutes by moving the toe down.

Severe cramps resulting from dystonia (a condition where muscle tone is disorganised) that can be treated by physiotherapy or Botox injections are ongoing procedures that patients need to continue for as long as possible.

How long do cramps last?

The duration of the spasm mainly depends on the fact where the spasm occurs. In the case of menstrual cramps that occur as a throbbing and cramping pain in the pelvic region, the pain usually starts one to two days before the menstrual flow begins.

It continues for two to three days or several days in some cases. In the case of cramps that occur in the legs, arms, and hands, the duration of the cramps can range from a few seconds to minutes.

What is the cost of muscle cramps treatment in India?

The cost of treating muscle spasms depends on the severity of the condition. If it is a simple spasm then it can be cured with home remedies. But if it involves medicines or physiotherapy, the cost can be anywhere within Rs. 250 – 1000 Rs.

What can you eat to stop cramps?

Since nutritional deficiencies are one of the reasons responsible for muscle cramps, either nutritional supplements or a healthy nutritious diet should be preferred in this case. Deficiencies of calcium, sodium and magnesium are usually responsible.

Foods such as milk, yogurt, canned fish, nuts and seeds make up for calcium deficiency while cheese, celery, spicy foods and beetroot are needed for sodium intake. Magnesium requirement is met through consumption of whole grains, nuts, seeds and raw cocoa.

What can I drink for leg cramps?

Dehydration is an important factor responsible for muscle cramps. Therefore, it is preferred to drink a lot of water to get relief from the pain during this period.

Water intake should be increased throughout the day, which not only helps in relieving pain but also plays a role in its prevention. In addition to water, other liquids such as sports drinks such as Gatorade also work.

Is Salt Good for Cramps?

The need for salt in case of muscle cramps is not yet proven. However, the reason commonly considered as a factor for this condition points to low levels of salts in one’s diet, especially sodium. Based on this, it is recommended to increase the intake of salt in the diet, although some science-based studies have refuted this fact.

Are the results of the treatment of muscle cramps permanent?

Normal muscle pain takes a few minutes to heal if proper stretching or relaxation massage is done on the affected area. If the cramp is severe, it may take up to an hour for it to heal completely.

Night cramps are common in older people and can be relieved within a few minutes by moving the toe down.

What are the treatment options for muscle cramps?

There are some natural processes by which muscle inflammation can be stopped. These include application of chamomile oil on the affected area, consumption of cherry juice and blueberries which work as antioxidants.

When it comes to reducing muscle cramps, pills and creams containing the goodness of cayenne pepper also work wonders. Apart from all this, eating nutritious food, sunbathing and getting enough rest helps in relaxing the muscles, which can prevent muscle cramps.

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